Letters to the Editor
Support appreciated
On behalf of myself and the officers of the Staples Police Department, we would like to say thank you for the outpouring of support shown to our department in recent weeks. Whether it is a thank you on the street, food brought to the PD or a sign in your yard, it does not go unnoticed.
This is a difficult time for everyone, and we appreciate the support shown to us by members of our incredible community.
We are hopeful that all people can come together and stop any further tragedies from occurring. Any loss of life is tragic, and we strive to do work every day for peaceful outcomes.
We put on our uniforms and go to work each day, wanting to go home safe to our families at the end of our shifts. We do this because of the love and duty we have to serve this community.
Thank you for your support in these trying times.
Chief Melissa Birkholtz
Staples Police Department
Live music
We would like to publicly thank the Staples Host Lions Club for their ongoing financial support of live music in Staples.
We had the privilege of performing at the Northern Pacific Park last Sunday to a crowd of over 200 people. Staples is a wonderful community and its support for live music was evident not only by the turnout, but by the warm response they gave us.
Thank you to all who work hard to keep this event going, and again to the Staples Lions Club. We totally enjoyed presenting our show to a very receptive audience and hope to return next summer.
Paul Nye, guitar
Jeff Menten, fiddle
Richard Max, bass