Public Notices November 3, 2021


Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Assessments


Notice is hereby given that the Staples City Council will meet at 7 p.m. on November 23, 2021, at 122 6th St NE to consider and possibly adopt assessments for non-payment of utility charges against property(ies).

The proposed assessment roll is on file for public inspection at the city clerk’s office. Written or oral objections will be considered at the meeting.


Tara Greer, City Clerk


Published 11-3-2021



Lake shore




Open water along the shore with thin ice around the edge on the West shores of Lake Shamineau. Starting November 2020 and early months of 2021. For inquiries call 218-821-1470.




215 1st Ave. South, 

Long Prairie, MN  56347




Notice is hereby given that on Thursday, November 18, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. the Todd County Board of Adjustment will hold a public hearing in the Commissioner’s board room, 215 1st Ave. South, Suite 301, Long Prairie, Minnesota. 

NOTE: This meeting is again being held in-person and the public is encouraged to attend, but Zoom and phone options are still available for those who are unable to attend in person. If you wish to join via  Zoom, please contact our office for the call-in information.

Questions? Call or email 320-732-4420 or


•Call to Order

•Approval of October 28, 2021 Minutes

•Board introduction and process review

   o The applicant is introduced

   o Staff Report

  o Applicant request if staff report accurately represents the request

   o Public Comment

   o Board review with applicant, staff, and public 

1. William and Nancy Noon: Mound Lake, Section 11, Grey Eagle Township

Site Address: 14049 341st Avenue, Grey Eagle. PID: 11-0044200

1. After-the-fact variance request to increase the impervious surface in Shoreland RD Zoning (Mound Lake) from the ordinance standard of 25 percent (%) to 51.6 percent (%) for 320 square foot sidewalk. 

1. Greg and JoAnn Carlson: Big Lake, Section 23, Turtle Creek Township 

Site Address: 35368 Moccasin Lane, Cushing.  PID: 24-0049000

1. Request to reduce the OHWL setback in Shoreland RD Zoning (Big Lake) from 100 feet to 74 feet for a dwelling addition.

2. Request to increase allowed peak height for structures not meeting all setbacks in Shoreland RD Zoning (Big Lake) from 18 feet to 22 feet.

All persons interested are invited to attend said hearing or submit a letter to be heard on these matters. All correspondence must include name, mailing address and be received 48 hours before the date and time of the hearing.


Richard Johnson, Chair

Todd County 

Board of Adjustment












The following is hereby adopted:

Sec. 6-63 Chickens

(a) The total number of chickens may not exceed ten (10) on a parcel that is less than five (5) acres in size and the coop and other structures must meet applicable setbacks.

(b) The principal use of the property shall be single-family residential and contain a single family residential structure. Chickens shall not be permitted on vacant properties or those containing multi-family residential uses. Coop structures that are greater than 120 square feet in size shall comply with 109-114.

(c) The keeping of chickens on lots smaller than five (5) acres shall comply with the following standards:

(1) Hen chickens are permitted.

(2) Roosters, guinea fowl, ducks and turkeys are prohibited.

(3) All chickens shall be contained within the owner’s parcel at all times.

(4) Chickens shall not be kept inside the principal structure.

(5) Chickens may be slaughtered on the property in locations that are not visible to the public or adjacent properties.

(6) Coops and attached exercise pens shall be provided for all chickens. A permit shall be required. Coops and pens shall be fully-enclosed including overhead areas, and shall be constructed of durable materials. The coop shall have sufficient windows for natural light. The floor area of the coop must equal at least two (2) square feet per chicken and the combination of the floor area and pen area must equal at least ten (10) square feet of area per domestic chicken.

(7) If the coop is larger than 200 square feet, the owner shall obtain a building permit. If electricity is to be provided for heating or lighting, the owner shall obtain an electrical permit.

(8) Coops, pens and other structures for chickens shall meet the structure setback requirements plus all structures shall maintain a minimum setback of ten (10) feet from dwellings on adjacent properties, and shall be located in rear yards only.

(9) No person may allow chickens to free range unsupervised without fencing or without a mobile pen.

(10) All food and bedding stored for chickens shall be kept in rodent-proof containers and stored inside coops or other buildings.

(11) Structures and areas in which chickens are kept or maintained, including coops and pens, shall be kept reasonably clean from filth, garbage, and any substances which attract rodents. All feces shall be collected regularly and properly disposed of on a regular basis as fertilizer, composted, or transported off the premises.

(12) Chickens shall not be kept in such a manner as to constitute a public nuisance.

(13) The City may enter and inspect any property, including the coop and back yard, at any reasonable time for the purpose of investigating a reported violation or to ascertain compliance or noncompliance with the City Code.

(14) Any properties keeping chickens at the time this ordinance is enacted shall apply for a permit within 120 days. The permit shall document the number of chickens and the existence of any coops currently on the property. Those properties obtaining a permit shall be permitted to maintain the number of chickens and size of coop as documented in the permit. Any properties keeping chickens at the time this ordinance is enacted that do not obtain a permit, shall be required to bring their property into compliance with this ordinance within 150 days of enactment of this ordinance.


Effective Date. The ordinance becomes effective from and after its passage and publication.  

Adopted this 26th day of October, 2021.



Chris Etzler, Mayor



Tara Greer, City Clerk


First Reading: 

October 12, 2021


Second Reading: 

October 26, 2021


Adoption: October 26, 2021



November 3, 2021




Education District






Wadena, MN


Called to Order by Chair VanDenheuvel

Board Present: R. VanDenheuvel-B-H; K. Howard-Menahga; R. Thalmann-Henning; B. Lund-S-M; C. Funk-Sebeka; C. Wolf- LP-GE; B. Tumberg-W-DC; S. Veronen-Verndale; J. Hillmer-Browerville. Supts: D. Fjeldheim-Sebeka. FED Staff: E. Weber, L. Murdock, J. Anderson, M. Krause, S. Johnson, S. McAllister and S. Thiel.

Agenda- MOTION BY B. Lund and SECONDED by B. Tumberg to approve the agenda as presented. VOTE-U/C

Presentation- FED Staff Members - M. Krause, S. Johnson and S. McAllister presented on the program “Birth to Age 3 Equip”. Bus. Mang. J. Anderson reported on FED’s Finances. 

Old Business- MOTION BY Funk and SECONDED by Hillmer to approve the 6/23/21 minutes as presented. VOTE-U/C

MOTION BY Thalmann and SECONDED by Veronen to approve the evaluation of the Ex. Director 20/21 SY Goals. VOTE-U/C 

Business & Finance

MOTION BY Howard and SECONDED by Tumberg to approve the 6/22/2021-9/15/2021 voucher claims as presented. VOTE-U/C

New Business

MOTION BY Tumberg and SECONDED by Thalmann to approve the annual Food Service Purchase  Agmt. with S-M ISD #2170 for the 21/22 SY. VOTE-U/C

MOTION BY Hillmer and SECONDED by Funk to approve the MN State Community and Tech College PSEO Agmt. FED for the 21/22 SY as presented. VOTE-U/C 

MOTION BY Howard and SECONDED by Lund to approve the HRA Section 115 Trustee Report as presented. VOTE-U/C

MOTION BY Wolf and SECONDED by Tumberg to approve the Ex. Director Goals for the 21/22 SY as presented. VOTE-U/C 

MOTION BY Funk and SECONDED by Lund to approve the ALC Extended Time Programming Guide for the 21/22 SY as presented. VOTE- U/C

MOTION BY Tumberg and SECONDED by Hilmer to approve the SRO Agreement between the City of Wadena and FED as presented. Roll Call VOTE - Aye- Hillmer, Veronen, Tumberg,  Funk, Lund, Thalmann, Howard, VanDenheuvel. Nay - Wolf. Motioned Carried.

MOTION BY Thalmann and SECONDED by Howard to approve the 2022 Revision 1 budget as presented. VOTE-U/C

MOTION BY Hillmer and SECONDED by Wolf to approve the 2022 Vision Renewal Rates as presented. VOTE- U/C

Department Reports

ALC/Targeted Services: E. Weber reported the ALC Summer Schools and Targeted Services Programs were well attended and the fall enrollment continue to increase. The WALC Independent Study currently has a waiting list. 

Bus. Mngt.: J. Anderson presented on the quarterly finance update. 

MOTION BY Lund and SECONDED by Thalmann to approve the Facility Reserve Fund for $332,816 for the 21 FY End as presented. VOTE-U/C

MOTION BY Tumberg and SECONDED by Veronen to approve the OPEB Reserve Fund for $338,647 for the 2021FY End as presented. VOTE-U/C

Ex. Director: E. Weber reported on the following topics: FED Safe Learning Plan; Wadena ALC driveway has been paved; Applying for grant “Grow Your Own” with Sourcewell FED as the fiscal host.

Pers. Commitee: Reviewed minutes of the Pers. Comm Mtgs.

MOTION BY Veronen and SECONDED by Thalmann to approve the 21-23 Master Agrt. between FED #6004 and T/I EMFED #7335, as recommended by the FED Pers. Comm. VOTE-U/C

MOTION BY Funk and SECONDED by Tumberg to approve the 21-23 Master Agrt. between FED #6004 & FED Para/RVR Drivers Group, as recommended by the FED Pers. Comm. VOTE-U/C

Personnel Agenda-

MOTION BY Wolf and SECONDED by Howard to approve Personnel Consent Agenda as presented: 

Resignation of K. Lambert, E. Judd, C. Collings, J. Holmquist, T. Becker, S. McKeever, E. Patnode, T. Rickbeil; Voluntary Reduction in days for K.Snyder, M. Henry; Hiring of J. Storry, J. Covert, M. Ludovisse, A. Ladwig, C. Perala, K. Lehmann, S. Eckhoff, S. Orsello, T. Walz, M. Murch; Increase in Hrs. of K. Boutiette, J. McFedries, D. Baune, W. Wegscheid, S. Wacker, C. Kempenich, L. Lorentz, H. Jasmer, M. Schmidt, L. Wright; Lane Change Request of K. Thoennes; Re-Assig. of L. Wick, N. Hibbs; Decrease in Days of L. Truax, VOTE-U/C

MOTION BY Wolf and SECONDED by Hillmer to adjourn the meeting at 6:09 p.m. VOTE-U/C


Pre-Approved Publication Summary




Katie Howard, Clerk




Advertising Deadlines

Deadline for advertisements and copy is Friday, noon.

Staples World

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 100 Staples, MN 56479 Telephone: (218) 894-1112 - Fax: (218) 894-3570 Toll Free: 1-888-894-1112 E Mail:;

Deadline: Friday, noon


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