Christmas letters

Dear Santa,

I hope you are having an awesome Christmas!

What I want in my stocking is or some ideas are these: blissy pillow case, silk sleeping mask, shein gift card and ultra gift card. And then what I want for under the tree is nike blazers, the black ones. There is a picture on the next page. My size is 8 or 9 in womenns.


Eva Weber

Age 12


Dear Santa,

Hi! How are you santa?

For Christmas I would like a bunny. I made yo some special cookies. I would like a special hair bow, and a picture of my family.

Marry Christmas Santa!


Alora Weber 

Age 5

Hi Santa,

I want a nerf gun, Star Wars guys or Akedo guys. I love you Santa! Thank you for sending me another elf. It is a very snowy day, but it is fun! Have a great Christmas!


Flynn Weber

Age 7


Dear Santa. For Christmas I want in my stalking, LED lights. I also want in my stalking hairchain. I also want as a present a Shellac washing station. Also a fuzzy waited blanket. That is what I want for Christmas. Say hi to the reindeer for me.


Annie Weber

Age 9


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