Veterans Day program on Friday, Nov. 11
A Veterans Day program will be held Friday, Nov. 11, at 9:30 a.m., in the Staples-Motley High School gym. Prior to the program, at 8:30 a.m., all veterans and their spouses are invited to a special breakfast at Staples-Motley Elementary School.
Frank Odell will be the featured speaker at the Veterans Day event, with a talk entitled, “I Nominate Abraham Lincoln.”
A native of Willmar, Odell taught English, theatre and speech for 30 years in Staples, retiring from teaching in 1999. He continues to be active in the Staples Host Lions club, Faith Lutheran Church and Toastmasters.
Odell spearheaded the task of organizing three Honor Flight trips to Washington D.C. in 2009, 2011 and 2012. These trips were made possible with funds raised by the Staples Host Lions.
In addition to the keynote speaker, there will be music and readings offered by Staples-Motley students. The Motley American Legion will provide the color guard.
Several Veterans Park pavers, honoring local veterans, will be dedicated during the program. These include:
o SPC-3 Rollance Gode Jr., US Army, 1954 - 1956
o CPL Lloyd J Hoemberg, US Army Korea, 1951 - 1954
o SP4 Rodney Anderson, US Army Natl Guard, 1964 - 1970
o SP-ES Bruce R Johnson, US Army Korea, 1961 - 1964
o SP-ES Richard A Johnson, US Army Korea, 1961 - 1964
o SP4 Ralph A Morehouse, US Army, 1969 - 1972
o MSG Rodger D Pruitt, US Army+ARNG, 1982 - 2012
o SP3 Russell E Dague, US Army 1954 - 1956
o Sr Master SGT Mark Joseph Holper, US Air Force, 1969 - 1990
o Tech Sgt J. Holper-Rusmussen, MN+WY Air Guard, 1995 - 2008
o CPL Kenneth H Cleveland, USMC WWII, 1942 - 1945
o E4 Jerome K Cleveland Sr, US Army 1969 - 1970
o GM2 Adam R Nurnberger, US Navy 2015 - 2019
o CPL Derek Nurnberger, USMC 2009 - 2013
o SP4 Clarence Schoon, US Army, 1959 - 1965
o SGT Kevin Olmschenk, US Army Vietnam, 1968 - 1969
There will also be a Veterans Park bench dedication for the Deering brothers:
o Major Gregory Deering, Operation Inherent Resolve, 2018 - 2019
o SFC David Deering, Operation Iraqi Freedom, 2005 - 2009.