
On Jan. 5, Staples Police recieved a report of snowmobilers crossing the yards of private residences on the 1500 block of 3rd St NE. Police will do additional patrols in the area. Jan. 6; Staples Police were dispatched to the Staples Express for a report of a female with an active warrant. Police...
The Staples Police Department has recently received an increased number of reports of scam phone calls made to local phone numbers.  In the reports received the caller is claiming to be from the IRS and demanding banking information. The caller can be threatening and makes threats about criminal...
Fourth graders from Northhome School stopped by Central Lakes College in Staples for a tour of the robotics department Jan. 8. The students, part of the Lego Robotics Team sponsored by their school and Koochiching Cty. 4-H, were on their way to a sectional robotics competition in Elk River. “They...
Craig and Jennifer Hove lost some of their hogs in a barn fire in the early morning hours of Jan. 7, but Craig was able to save 79 of them through the back door. Their chickens were also spared from the fire. The Hoves said it may have been an electrical problem that started the fire. Their farm is...
ry supervision of newly licensed social workers was a discussion item at the Jan. 5 meeting of the Todd County Commissioners.  Currently, Todd County Health and Human Services (HHS) has two staff who require this type of supervision. Individuals must meet certain criteria to provide it. Since the...
Staples Motley FFA members welcomed the national FFA officers and members of the Deer River FFA on Jan. 8, shown here in a photo op, in front of the high school.
In just a few hours at Staples Motley High School, National FFA President Taylor McNeel of Arkansas discovered some things that impressed her about the Staples Motley FFA chapter. “This chapter is amazing. When we got here, there was a big banner with the chapter officers were waiting at the office...
The Staples Motley School District now has some direction to follow for the next five years. The school will re-evaluate their technology, curriculum and communications, improve student resources and look at the possibility of a new K-12 school building. The final meeting in the long-range planning...
Amy McBeth of the BNSF (Burlington Northern Santa Fe) Railway Foundation hands a $25,000 check to Wally Thompson of the Staples Historical Society. With this donation, the Historical Society increases their seed fund to start the next phase of the Staples Depot project, the museum. The donation...
Jim Hofer
The first county board meeting of the year is always a busy one. New board officers must be elected, elected officials’ salaries must be set, new committee assignments made. Most of these requirements were completed on Jan. 5 by the Wadena County Board. Commissioner Jim Hofer of Staples was elected...
From left, Lakes Area Habitat For Humanity Executive Director Kevin Pelkey, Shane Meyer, James and Sheena Ziegler and Melissa Kaufenberg, Director of Development for Lakes Area Habitat For Humanity, meet inside the home they will begin fixing up on Jan. 12. Habitat will need volunteers and donations to complete the project. (Staples World photo by Mark Anderson)
Lakes Area Habitat For Humanity (LAHFH) has started work on their first renovation project in Staples. James and Sheena Ziegler will be moving into the home, at 324 3rd St NE, with their three children, twins Landon and Lucas, age three, and Hayden, five. The Zieglers currently live in Brainerd but...


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