Letters to the Editor
for Re-Start
I just shared two educational weeks with Staples-Motley colleagues and administrators gearing up for the upcoming school year.
Excitement is in the air!
Our Re-Start for 2016- 2017 is a great step forward for our Staples-Motley kids.
I would like to give a great big thank you to our school board, administration and staff for all the extra time and effort they have put in to make this Re-Start possible.
Looking forward to a great school year.
Connie Roline, teacher
Jump Start Kindergarten
Staples-Motley Elementary
Care for pets
Dear City of Staples,
I’m writing with concern for all the canine companions in our community.
I’m prompted to reach out because of my own neighborhood, yet, I’m aware other neighborhoods are troubled by my concern.
I’m a very proud animal lover. I have two canine family members and do my very best to keep them happy and safe. My yard has canine confinement because of the possibility of harm that may come to my canine family members should they roam free in my neighborhood. The traffic in my neighborhood is plentiful and I have no idea what is within other people’s property that could cause harm to my wonderful buddies. Also, it is the law.
Recently my concern over the continuing visits to my yard from other people’s canine family members has taken a toll on myself and my buddies. The dogs visiting my yard, without supervision and without protection from their human family members causes great stress to myself and my buddies.
I finally resorted to reporting the negligence to Staples law enforcement (I know our wonderful police department has a great many things to do) because after speaking with the neighbors throughout the years the problem continues.
Please, please take notice. If you are unable to care for your canine family members, do something different. Do not allow them to be out and about in harm’s way. How will you feel if something happens to them. Think about it.
Also, my family does not need the commotion that erupts every time my dogs smell or notice your animals outside my home. I have two to care for (picking up after them in the yard). I don’t want to clean up after other people’s pets.
Kathi Cleveland
Staples, Minn.