School district ready to meet goals, vision
By Supt. Mary Klamm
Monday is August 1! For me, that day signals the beginning of a month totally dedicated to preparing for another school year.
It all starts with the opening of each school office. Secretaries and principals will be back to answer questions and welcome students, staff, and parents.
I am extremely excited for the 2016-17 school year. Last spring, our school board bravely voted to reorganize our schools. Their affirmative vote ensures each and every one of our students the best opportunity to learn and grow.
Our goals for this school year are to produce educational excellence with quality instruction and college and career connections; to provide an engaging, safe and healthy environment to support positive behaviors and high attendance in all school related activities.
We will work and plan to revitalize and maintain facilities that are safe, sustainable and allow equitable access to programming services across the district; we will align technology support and infrastructure to provide students with relevant 21st Century opportunities; and we will continue to develop and implement a multifaceted communications plan designed to promote our school distric community.
As a district, we took some big steps last year - but that was only the beginning. We have our eyes set on our vision to become “a community united to be the region’s school district of choice.”
I want everyone to also know our mission, which guides every aspect of our operation. We will “empower all students to achieve the social and academic growth to become productive citizens in this changing world.”
Early next week, you will receive our first 2016-17 edition of our Cardinal Chronicle. Save your copy! In addition to highlighting some of our exciting opportunities for this school year, you will find a calendar of district-wide events through October 31!