Public Notices August 1 2023




Becker Township will be spraying the ditches for noxious weeds and brush after the 13th of August, 2023. 


Mary Fitcher, clerk

Becker Township





Notice of Aerial spraying to take place at:

Farnham Wildlife Management Area in Cass County (T135-R32-S18)

Herbicide labeled for aquatic use will be used to control hybrid cattail.

The purpose of this treatment is to improve waterfowl habitat.

Aerial spraying to occur August 7 - August 31, 2023.

All affected public access points will be posted at time of treatment.

Comments or questions can be directed to:

Jennifer Boucher

DNR Shallow Lakes 

Program Specialist 

1601 Minnesota Dr.

Brainerd, MN 56401







The Wadena County Board of Commissioners will be holding a Public Hearing regarding the proposed Housing Tax Abatement Policy and will provide an opportunity to Wadena County citizens to give comment relating to the same.

The draft of the proposed Housing Tax Abatement Policy is located on the Wadena County Website,, under “News”.

Written comments will be received by Heather Olson until August 14, 2023 at 415 Jefferson Street South, Wadena, Minnesota 56482.

The meeting is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at 9:15 a.m. in the Wadena County Courthouse, Small Courtroom-Upper Level, 415 Jefferson Street South, Wadena, Minnesota 56482.


Ryan Odden

County Coordinator





Staples-Motley ISD #2170


Pursuant to MN Statue 471.6161, notice is hereby given that Staples-Motley ISD #2170 requests proposals for Group Health Insurance. 

Specifications will be available from the District’s agent of record, National Insurance Services, at 14852 Scenic Heights Road, Suite 210, Eden Prairie, MN 55344, phone 800-627-3660. 

Proposals are due no later than 2 p.m. on Monday, August 21, 2023 to Staples-Motley ISD #2170, 905 4th St NE, Staples, MN 56479 and as specified in the RFP.

Staples-Motley ISD #2170 reserves the right to reject proposals, waive formalities, and to select the proposal that best meets the District’s needs.

Criteria for the evaluation of proposals will be provided when the specifications are requested.



villard township

road WORK bids


The Township of Villard is seeking bids for the following road conditions:

291st - class 5 replacement and culvert replacement

Starlight Road - pave, fabric, class 5 approximately 1,500 feet

Ditch cleaning approximately 3/4 of a mile on 331st Avenue

313th Avenue by bridge clean up. County Road 28 Philbrook

Forward all bids to the Villard Township Clerk at:

31836 Timberlane Road

Staples MN 56479

Call Shawn Jordahl, Township Chairman at 218-270-0137 with questions. 

All bids should be received by the Clerk no later than 5 p.m. on August 8, 2023.


Mary Trantina-Koenig, Clerk

Villard Township





ISD #2170

School Board

meeting #21 

June 26, 2023, 6 p.m. District Office




Call to Order

Call to Order by Chair Winkels, 6:00 p.m.

The meeting was called to order with Reese, Wright, Trout, Reeck, Anderson and Winkels present (comprising a quorum). Also attending: Supt. Tappe, Principals Berg and Ferdon, Williams representing ICS, some staff, Staples World Managing Editor Anderson and Recording Secretary Larson. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Motion by Anderson, seconded by Trout to adopt the agenda. MC

Recognize the Public

Chair Winkels thanked all those in attendance

School/Community Forum


Consent Agenda

Approve Minutes from the May 22 Board Meeting and June 5 Board Meeting

Approve the Fundraiser request from Staples-Motley Elementary

Accept the resignation of Steve Jennissen, Assistant Cross-Country Coach

Accept the resignation of Jamie Pearson, Dean of Students effective 6/30/2023

Approve the hire of: Lloyd Allen, Bus Driver; Wade Vangsness, Food Service Director; Jim Wimmer, Elementary Level 3 Teacher.

Approve the 2023-2024 Work Agreement for John Holman, Special Ed Teacher with OFP

Approve the permission to post for a SLPA beginning 2023-2024 school year.

Approve the 2023-2024 MSBA Association Dues and Policy Service Renewal - $5,311.

Approve the 2023-2024 MREA Membership renewal - $2,128.

Approve the 2023-2024 TCC Lease Agreement.

Other: none

Motion by Winkels, seconded by Wright, to approve the consent agenda. MC

Donations and In-Kind Contributions

Approve the Resolution to accept Grants and Donations in the amount of $7,833.05.

Motion by Winkels, seconded by Wright, to approve the Resolution to accept Grants and Donations in the amount of $7,833.05. MC

Thank you to Staples Lions Club, Lincoln Scandia Valley Lions Club, Initiative Foundations, CocaCola Give and Box Tops for your generous contributions.

Finance Items

Financial Report provided by Business Manager Hill

Authorize payment of the Vouchers

Motion by Reeck, seconded by Anderson, to authorize payment of the vouchers. MC

Budget Presentation

2022-2023 Revised and 2023-2024 Proposed - Presented by Business Manager Hill.

Motion by Trout, seconded by Wright, to approve the FY 2022-2023 Revised Revenue and Expenditure Budget. MC

Motion by Reeck, seconded by Wright, to approve the FY 2023-2024 Proposed Revenue and Expenditure Budget. MC

Motion by Anderson, seconded by Winkels, to award the Dairy Bid to Prairie Farms for the 2023-24 school year. MC


Presentation of the 2022-23 QCOMP Annual Report by Curriculum & Assessment Coordinator Pantzke.

2023-2024 Activities Handbook available for Board review. (No action at this time)

Motion by Trout, seconded by Anderson, to approve the 2023-2024 Local Literacy Plan. MC


Facilities Update provided by ICS representative Williams


Motion by Reeck, seconded by Winkels, to accept the retirement of Carol Webster, Elementary Paraprofessional effective June 30, 2023. MC

Thank you, Carol, for your 13 years of service to Staples-Motley.

Motion by Wright, seconded by Winkels, to approve the Resolution for the Non-Renewal of Lynette Vavreck, Teacher. (Roll Call). Members Reese, Trout, Winkels, Wright, Reeck and Anderson voted in favor, none opposed. MC


Policy Committee Meeting Minutes 6-8-2023

Motion by Anderson, seconded by Reeck to approve the review of MSBA policies with changes: Policy #503 - Attendance Policy; Policy #425 - Staff Development. MC

Motion by Trout, seconded by Wright to approve the review of MSBA policies with no or minimal changes: Policy 506 - Student Discipline; #506F - Notice of Suspension Form; Policy #722 - Public data Requests; Policy #722 Public Data Request Form; Policy #806 -  Crisis Management; Policy #513 Student Promotion, Retention and Program Design; Policy 533 - Wellness Policy. MC

Motion by Reeck, seconded by Anderson to approve the review of Staples-Motley policies with no or minimal changes: Policy #902.1 - Weight Room Policy; Policy #412.1 Credit Card Policies and Procedures. MC

Motion by Reeck, seconded by Winkels, to approve the Education Identity & Access Management Resolution identifying the Identified Official with Authority (IOwA) for Staples-Motley as Shane Tappe, with Trisha Larson as the IOwA Proxy for school year 2023-24. MC


School Board

FED - No new updates from rep. Anderson. Next meeting is 6/28/23 Sourcewell - 4/20/23 Minutes


Principals - Principal Ferdon shared that the MS/HS is almost fully staffed with teachers for the 2023/24 school year, with only a couple positions left to fill. Principal Berg shared that the elementary school is fully staffed with teachers for 2023/24 as well as the excitement around the new gymnasium project.

Activities - Chair Winkels recognized the accomplishments of the state champions in both Golf and Track and Field as well as the school records broken this year in track and field.

Superintendent Tappe provided an update on the Motley building. The auction that was held for the property in the building was successful and the closing (was) July 6. He also shared that  the leadership team had their leadership conference which was productive for the team to prepare for next school year.

SMEA - Rep. Kneisl shared that teacher negotiations are going well.

Other - none


Motion by Anderson, seconded by Reeck, to adjourn the meeting at 7:07 p.m. MC 


--Approved minutes submitted by Trisha Larson, Recording Secretary.



Advertising Deadlines

Deadline for advertisements and copy is Friday, noon.

Staples World

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 100 Staples, MN 56479 Telephone: (218) 894-1112 - Fax: (218) 894-3570 Toll Free: 1-888-894-1112 E Mail:;

Deadline: Friday, noon


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