Public Notices July 26, 2023
Notice of Public Accuracy Testing
The public is welcome to observe the Public Accuracy Testing of Election Machines for the upcoming Todd County Special Primary Election.
Testing will be held on July 31, 2023 beginning at 2:00 p.m. in the County Board Room located in the Historic Courthouse at 215 1st Avenue S, Long Prairie, MN.
Please contact 320-732-4414 with any questions.
Denise Gaida,
Todd County Auditor-
NOTICE is hereby given that the Staples Board of Appeals and Adjustment will meet at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 2, 2023, at the Staples City Hall, 122 6th St NE, to consider the application for a Variance to Section 109-72(e)(4), to construct an attached garage that is within nine (9) feet of the alleyway.
All persons interested are invited to attend this meeting and be heard on this matter. If you would like to submit a comment, please email it to If you would like to mail a comment the address is 122 6th St NE, Staples MN 56479.
Dated July 21, 2023
Tara Greer, City Clerk
villard township
road WORK bids
The Township of Villard is seeking bids for the following road conditions:
291st - class 5 replacement and culvert replacement
Starlight Road - pave, fabric, class 5 approximately 1,500 feet
Ditch cleaning approximately 3/4 of a mile on 331st Avenue
313th Avenue by bridge clean up. County Road 28 Philbrook
Forward all bids to the Villard Township Clerk at:
31836 Timberlane Road
Staples MN 56479
Call Shawn Jordahl, Township Chairman at 218-270-0137 with questions.
All bids should be received by the Clerk no later than 5 p.m. on August 8, 2023.
Mary Trantina-Koenig, Clerk
Villard Township
The Wadena County Board of Commissioners will be holding a Public Hearing regarding the proposed Housing Tax Abatement Policy and will provide an opportunity to Wadena County citizens to give comment relating to the same.
The draft of the proposed Housing Tax Abatement Policy is located on the Wadena County Website,, under “News”.
Written comments will be received by Heather Olson until August 14, 2023 at 415 Jefferson Street South, Wadena, Minnesota 56482.
The meeting is scheduled to be held on Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at 9:15 a.m. in the Wadena County Courthouse, Small Courtroom-Upper Level, 415 Jefferson Street South, Wadena, Minnesota 56482.
Ryan Odden
County Coordinator
June 28, 2023
Wadena, MN
Call to order
By V. Chair Anderson at 5:00 p.m.
Board Present: L. Anderson - S-M; C. Funk - Sebeka; C. Wolf - LP-GE; B. Tumberg - W/DC; S. Veronen - Verndale; J. Hillmer - Browerville; R. VanDenheuvel - B–H; R. Thalmann - Henning. Absent: K. Howard - Menahga. Supv. Supts: L. Westrum - W/DC; D. Fjeldheim - Sebeka; S. Vedbraaten - Browerville. FED Admin: E. Weber, Ex. Dir.; L. Murdock, SPED Dir.; J. Wothe, Dir. Prog. & Evals; J. Anderson, Bus. Mgr.; B. Tollefson, ABE Cord.; S. Thiel, Admin. Assist.
MOTION BY VanDenheuvel seconded by Tumberg to approve the agenda as modified. VOTE- U/C
B. Tollefson presented on the successful events and accomplishments within the ABE Prog.
Old Business
MOTION BY Funk seconded by Veronen to approve the 4/26/23 minutes as presented. VOTE-U/C
MOTION BY Tumberg seconded by Hillmer to acknowledge receipt and review of the 5/10/23, 6/14/23 Supt. Advisory Min. as presented. VOTE-U/C
MOTION BY Thalmann seconded by VanDenheuvel to approve Mileage Claims for the period of 5/1/23 - 5/31/23, as presented. VOTE-U/C
The following resolution is hereby MOVED BY Hillmer seconded by VanDenheuvel to gratefully accept the following donation: Astera Health Foundation, Wadena, MN~$1,300 for the purchasing of an AED Unit for the Academies Site in Wadena. VOTE on adoptions of this Resolution was as follows; ABSTENTIONS: None AYE: VanDenheuvel, Hillmer, Veronen, Tumberg, Wolf, Funk, Thalmann and Anderson. NAY: None ABSENT: Howard.
Resolutions was declared duly adopted.
New Business
MOTION BY Tumberg seconded by Wolf to adopt Policy 516.5 - Overdose Medication as presented. VOTE-U/C
MOTION BY Funk seconded by Thalmann to authorize Supt. E. Weber to act as the IOwA and Admin. Assist. S. Thiel to act as the IOwA to add and remove names only for the FED No. 6004-61. VOTE-U/C
MOTION BY VanDenheuvel seconded by Hillmer to approve the FY24 Adopted Budget as presented. VOTE-U/C
MOTION BY Tumberg seconded by Veronen to purchase approximately 1.33 acres of land adjacent to the WALC from Astera Health for the purchase price of $40,000 as presented.
Abstentions: None; AYE: Thalmann, VanDenheuvel, Hillmer, Veronen, Tumberg, Wolf, Funk and Anderson. NAY: None; ABSENT: Howard. Motion Carried.
Recommendation of MSBA to update the school board policies due to legislative changes.
MOTION BY Veronen seconded by Thalmann to approve the MOU between FED and Ed. MN FED Para and RVR Drivers to forego the HITA bid process in 2023 to retain at least a nine percent (9%) rate cap from health insurance carrier Sourcewell. VOTE-U/C
MOTION BY Funk seconded by Tumberg to approve the MOU between FED and Ed MN FED T-I Group to forego the HITA bid process in 2023 to retain at least a nine percent (9%) rate cap from health insurance carrier Sourcewell. VOTE - U/C
MOTION BY Hillmer seconded by VanDenheuvel to approve the Service Agrmt. w/LCSC for FY24, 25, & 26 as presented. VOTE - U/C
MOTION BY Thalmann seconded by Funk to approve the FY24 Ins. Renewal w/EMC Ins. as presented. VOTE - U/C Abstained: Veronen
MOTION BY Hillmer seconded by Tumberg to approve the 2-Yr. Renewal Service Agrmt. Northland Fire Protection as presented. VOTE - U/C
MOTION BY Tumberg seconded by Funk to approve the Addendum to the Agrmt. for E-Rate Emergency Connectivity Services as presented. VOTE - U/C
MOTION BY Wolf seconded by VanDenheuvel to approve the Agrmt. for E-Rate Emergency Connectivity Services for the FY24 as presented. VOTE - U/C
Update given of Summer Unemployment Ins.
MOTION BY VanDenheuvel seconded by Tumberg to approve the Otter Tail Services Collaborative Agrmt. as presented. VOTE - U/C
Reviewed the request of sharing expense of paving the shared driveway. Recommendation from Admin. of paying up to $5,000.
MOTION BY Wolf seconded by Funk to approve the Summer “Extended Time Service Agrmt. between FED #6004 and participating districts as presented. VOTE - U/C
MOTION BY Thalmann seconded by VanDenheuvel to approve the 23/24 SY Nutrition Prog. Contract between LPGE ISD# 2753 & FED LPALC as presented. VOTE - U/C
Tech Update: Astera Health will consider the agreement between Tri-County Health & FED until it expires on 6/30/24.
Personnel Consent Agenda
MOTIONED BY Tumberg seconded by Hillmer to approve the items as follows:
SPED: Increase in Days: K. Harstad, School Psych.; Resignation: M. Wright, ECSE Teacher; C. Petron, ECSE Para; N. Cramer, School Psych. Hiring: M. Walberg, SPED Teacher; M. Holmes, Reserved Para-Sub; M. Rasmussen, SPED Para; R. Mettler, Reserved Short-Call Sub Teacher; A. Potvin, Behavior Specialist. Decrease in Hrs.: A. Peeters, ECSE Teacher; Voluntary Reduction in Days: J. Schwartz, ECSE Teacher. Lane Change Request: A. Truax, ECSE Teacher;
ADMIN: Resignation and Reduction in Days: E. Hoyt, FACTS Facilitator. Hiring: E. Huebner, IT Specialist; M. May, FACTS Facilitator; Reassignment: L. Truax, from Custodian to SPED Teacher. Approve hours beyond 2,080 to be paid at current hourly rate for Bus. Man. J. Anderson, for additional services to Verndale ISD 818, Henning #545, & West Central #2342. VOTE-U/C
Ex. Director Updates: Negotiating process started w/T-I Group & Para/RVR Driver’s Group. Hosting a Principal & Supts Mtg. on 8/3; Ten FED staff members participated in the Leadership Retreat; Discussed Shared Bus. Mang. Services with Henning, West Central & possibly LPGE School Dist.; Summer Programming is average attendance, but higher in districts that are offering transportation; WCTA will be the 23/24 SY internet provider.
MOTION BY Funk seconded by Wolf to adjourn the meeting at 6:02 p.m.
Pre-approved Publication Summary
Charles Funk, Clerk