Results of the Staples Railroad Days pedal pull held Aug. 20 included:
Age 3: first - Henry Wagner, Becker, 5’3”; second - Khyliee Vavrina, Staples, 4’8”; third - Evie Schultz, Staples, 2’3”
Age 4: first - Alessandra Stoks, Motley, 14’11”; second - Aiden Roline, Verndale, 13’8”; third - Taylor...
The community is invited to attend the annual Central Lakes College Ag & Energy Research Center Field Day on Friday, Aug. 26, from 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. at the Ag & Energy Center, 26505 County Road 2, Staples. All activities are free and open to the public.
The schedule includes:
o All day...
As of Aug. 15, there were still some local election seats to be filled. Filing ends Tuesday, Aug. 16.
For the Staples-Motley School District, two people had filed for the three open seats, Chandler Trout and Ryan Wright.
In Motley, Mike Schmidt has filed for mayor and Nikki Bjerga was the only...
August 20
Free Corn Feed Yes; the Corn Feed is on - same place, same time. Sat., Aug. 20, 5-7 p.m., Staples Alliance Church, 1512 8th St. NE, Staples. All welcome! Info: 218-894-2916.
Railroad Days is reinventing itself again with new events and some changes to the regular lineup. Look for the full schedule inserted in this week’s Staples World.
New for Saturday, Aug. 20, a Wild West Cowboy Bank Robbery (Good Guys vs Bad Guys) will be presented by The Cannon Old West Society in...
The community is invited to attend the annual Central Lakes College Ag & Energy Research Center Field Day on Friday, Aug. 26, from 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. at the Ag & Energy Center, 26505 County Road 2, Staples. All activities are free and open to the public.
The schedule includes:
o All day...
The Little Red Caboose Variety Show is back again to kick off the Railroad Days festivities with a showcase of local talent. It will be held on Thursday, Aug. 18, in the Centennial Auditorium at Staples-Motley High School with the show starting at 7 p.m. and doors open at 6:15 p.m.
This year’s...
By Mark Anderson
Managing Editor
The Staples-Motley School Board approved the hire of Allen Berg as the new Staples-Motley Elementary School Principal, at their July 18 board meeting.
Superintendent Shane Tappe said the district interviewed five candidates to replace Principal Kathy Johnson,...
The severe storm of May 30, 2022 has damaged the Old Wadena County Park campground and surrounding woods to the extent that the park cannot be used for the Old Wadena Rendezvous in 2022. Wadena County government is working to clear the damage away, but this work will be in process for the remainder...
Downtown Staples should be busy on Aug. 20, with more than 30 vendors planning to come to for the Railroad Days celebration, selling items from food to crafts and candles.
There is a change in the schedule this year, with the parade scheduled for 10 a.m. and all the downtown activities starting...
Advertising Deadlines
Deadline for advertisements and copy is Friday, noon.