
I would have never guessed I would be THIS pleased with how our Re-Start has gone. We are already one month into the 2016-17 school year and many kinks have worked themselves out.  I want to thank the Staples-Motley School District staff, parents and students for their willingness to be flexible...
The power of the press rests in the ability of journalists to hold government accountable, to mobilize public opinion on matters that are important to individuals, communities or the nation and to provide necessary information of value. Notice in those words not a mention of celebrity content,...
People put up lawn signs because they care about their communities, their government and their future.  Good people are on all sides of the current political process. Good people who want the best for us all, but see a different path to get there. Those involved in the political process are also...
The Staples Congregational UCC Church would like to thank all the individuals and businesses who donated and participated in our annual Penny Auction held during Railroad Days. We had a tremendous turnout, the best year yet. Due to everyone’s generosity, we were able to donate $1,776 to the Staples...
Efforts to significantly reduce carbon pollution between now and 2050 are vital and feasible. Electrifying transportation and the heating of residential and commercial buildings will help reduce carbon pollution because the electric grid is getting cleaner each year. This creates a huge opportunity...
Is economic recovery being felt by rural Minnesota’s communities? According to Blandin Foundation’s 2016 Rural Pulse survey, released recently, yes.  Sort of. And by some. Commissioned since 1998 by the Grand Rapids-based foundation, Rural Pulse™ provides a snapshot every few years of how rural...
What a Re-Start we have had!! September is flying by here at Staples-Motley Elementary. The students and staff are settling in, and kids are getting used to routines and systems we have in place.    With Staples-Motley Elementary being the transportation transfer hub, we have been studying the...
Newspaper in the classroom  Since you are reading this, it means you read the newspaper. How many students do you think look at the newspaper? I think it is a pretty small number. Unfortunately, with our world moving at the rate it is, students rely on the internet and social media to get any...


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